Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.
Remembering our past
Welcome to the Archives and History Library, also known as The Methodist Church Archives, Singapore.

About us
We fulfil the important function of keeping records of The Methodist Church in Singapore (MCS).
At the Archives and History Library, we acquire, process and maintain historical and archival material relevant to the MCS, and welcome interested researchers who wish to understand how Methodist work began, expanded and evolved through the years 1885 to present.
The Archives holds important reference materials which include original documents, microfilms, audio-visual media, and photographs, as well as valuable books. These, together with a growing number of Methodist publications, a collection of John Wesley’s writings, and books on Methodist History on South East Asia, General Church History and Methodist doctrines and theology, will provide researchers with plenty of scope for their work.
Publications for Purchase

Days of Darkness,
Days of Light
A poignant account of the Singapore Methodist Community’s experience during the Japanese Occupation in Singapore from February 1942 to September 1945.
Available at $20 per copy (with GST) from:
Archives and History Library
The Methodist Church in Singapore
70 Barker Road #04-01
Methodist Centre
Singapore 309936
Please add $5 per copy for postage by local delivery.

FROM MISSION TO CHURCH – The Evolution of The Methodist Church in Singapore and Malaysia (1885-1976)
by Earnest Lau
Read about the experiences, insights and heritage of our forebears like Thoburn and Oldham, Sophia Blackmore, S.M. Thevathasan, Goh Hood Keng and
Chen Su Lan.
Find out how ordinary people were led to live extraordinary lives through the wonderful grace of our great and living God. Draw wisdom and prudence from the history of the Methodist Church.
Currently out of stock

FORTY YEARS ON – Memoirs of a Schoolmaster
by Earnest Lau
Read about how significant persons, events and institutions has shaped the author and helped him to live well. In his references to his Christian values and in the way he has told his story, the author has demonstrated the best in an ACSian gentleman and a Christian whose steps are ordered by sovereign God.
This book is a pleasure to read both because of its poignant and reflective contents as well as the wit and command of the English language with which it is delightfully written. This book is highly recommended to ACSians, both young and old.
Currently out of stock
How the Methodist Work Began
We welcome interested persons or researchers who wish to understand how the Methodist work in Singapore began, expanded and evolved from 1885 to the present. We provide ample space for reading and direct access to our catalogue through the computers.

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